
Samstag, 2. Juli 2022

AJJ - Doors and / or Arches

 Hallo liebe Leser,

nach langer Pause widme ich mich endlich mal wieder meinen Journal Büchern.

für AJJ habe ich zum Thema Doors and/or Arches diese Journalpage gemacht.

Ich hoffe sie gefällt euch ein wenig.

7 Kommentare:

nwilliams6 hat gesagt…

Super cool elements for the AJJ theme and thoughtful display of where the door my lead. Love the girl!

My name is Erika. hat gesagt…

I am so glad you are back Jenny. When I saw your name I was hoping it was you. I hope you are well and that means you'll be making lots of art. I love your little door. It is perfect for Wendy's challenge.Thank you for sharing. Happy July to you and I will say once again I am glad you are back to join us at AJJ. hugs-Erika

WendyK hat gesagt…

A lovely entry for my theme on Art Journal Journey, love the girl, thank you for joining us on Art Journal Journey.

pearshapedcrafting hat gesagt…

A beautiful dreamy page - perfect for Wendy's AJJ theme! Hugs, Chrisx

Meggymay hat gesagt…

A wonderful page Jenny its lovely to see you back. Thank you for linking to Wendy's theme at AJJ.
Yvonne xx

craftytrog hat gesagt…

Such a beautiful composition Jenny!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth hat gesagt…

This is a true beauty, dear Jenny. It was great to see you had posted. I was delighted you have joined us at Art Journal Journey with your door leading to Heaven. Thanks for sharing it with us using Wendy's theme. We hope to see more of your art soon, too.

Besucher ab August 2009

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